Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



I've been slackin' today on getting a picture up. Mainly because I've been uber busy, had to work, and just got out of the gym. So, after working out.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Yesterday wore me out. But, it was awesome in so many ways. I started off at Vulcan with about a million things happening at once while I only worked a 3 hour shift so I could go film Jermaine Clement in character at Bookpeople. So, I arrive there and have been waiting like all the other good people there and Lars (from the Alamo) got the go ahead to film Sam Rockwell and Mike White doing the "Don't use your cell phone during a movie" segment that they play before alamo shows. Lars magically asked me to come upstairs with him and I got to stand literally 3 feet away from the guys do their funny bits. That was awesomeness #1.
Awesomeness #2 was when Jermaine Clement came down in character for Gentlemen Broncos as Dr. Ronald Chevalier and opened up questions from the audience. I was the last one he called on and I asked "What were his thoughts on people who talk during movies?". Stephen was standing right behind me with the camera and we got his answer for the Alamo to hopefully use as well.
Then I was lucky to make it into the screening for Zombieland (which is the best zombie movie I've seen since Shaun of the Dead) and the whole cast for Gentlemen Broncos were there. So, I finally had my chance to get a picture with Jermaine. It was an awkward attempt because he seemed very intent on just getting out of there with the least pictures possible. I kinda felt bad asking for a photo, but he kindly obliged and so I hope I didn't piss him off too much. But, I did get a photo which was my goal the last 2 days. Awesomeness #3.
I went to go film another Q&A for a film Trick r' Treat. But, not the amazing Ozzy and Gene Simmons one. Nope. Then we headed to the highball where it was Japanese night. There was a lot of drunk karaoke going on and the highlights were the samurai calling contest and the Japanese girl who did some crazy pole dancing. I kid you not. She was incredible.
Anywho, the samurai calling contest was judged by two Japanese men who picked the winner. What made me happy was that even though it's been over a year since I left Japan, I could still understand some if not most of what they were saying. It was actually comforting to hear the language again. When one dude did his "Saaaamuuuuuraiiiiiii" scream and it sounded girly, one of the Japanese men said "Samurai janai" which is really simple for "Not samurai". I giggled loudly and he stared straight at me like I was crazy. Possibly he thought I was laughing at him, I dunno. I was laughing because his statements about the guy were pretty funny. He called one a kabuki actor rather than a Samurai. Yeah, I know. I'm silly for thinking that was awesome but, it was fun for me.
So, my night ended at 3am and I passed the hell out when I got home. Just whoa, what a day.


Bustin' a move with Alexis and Thomas at the Fantastic Fest after party at the Highball.


I started out the day feeling uber crappy. But, eventually the day got better for Fantastic Fest.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009


I eats me spinach.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009



Happy Birthday Erin!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This one is just silly and trying new brushes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I just got photoshop CS4 and learning to actually use tutorials with photoshop. So, this is my first attempt at using a tutorial to base what I needed to do to create my monster me. There are things I can see wrong with it and things I could have done better. I started out with a completely different mouth from an angler fish, but it just didn't look right. So, I had to use the already fixed up creepy me with a new mouth that I had to fidget to get the colors somewhat close to the base layer. It would have been a lot easier if that predator mouth had been there from the get go and not just a copy and paste deal. Whew. That took me a while to figure out and mess with. wheee.

Monday, September 14, 2009

RIP Patrick Swayze

Well, this one hit me where it hurts the most. Patrick Swayze was the guy I dreamed would dance me out of my bad life when I was a kid. I watched Dirty Dancing so many times that I have the entire movie etched into my brain. The dirty dancing soundtrack and his crooning "She's like the wind" was played so many times that my mom would groan when she would hear or see it. My best friend and I would pretend to be Baby and Johnny, but we could never conquer that lift. I didn't understand half the movie because I was too young to understand that Penny had a botched abortion. But, yet it was my favorite movie even when I finally DID understand what was actually going on. Patrick Swayze was my dreamboat. My hero. I was baby in my dreams. Now he's gone and it feels like losing part of your childhood/adolescence. But, let's not forget Red Dawn, Roadhouse, The Outsiders, and Ghost. He was also an 80's hero. RIP.


I did this really quickly and poorly. RIP Patrick Swayze

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Me and my mini me.


veggie heaven num-nums

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Painting with a touchpad is really difficult. I need a wacom tablet.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



tweek. tweek.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I just woke up. This is me in the morning (well, afternoon) without makeup and in full glory of sleepy eyes and kaya love.

Monday, September 7, 2009


cyndi lauper wig

Sunday, September 6, 2009


For some reason, Peter Gabriel's Big Time plays in my mind I see this picture.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


At work. Bored as hell.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Blair Witch Danica.

The first 3 pics are catch ups and are cheats. Starting on the 4th, which is this one, it will be either the day of or within close proximity of the day of. Just to keep things real and current.



Alone looking out on Lake Eerie in the freezing cold snow storm. It was quite beautiful in a weird way.


September 1st. Starting on my birthday, I will be posting a photo a day. Gets the boredom and creative juices flowing!

(Thanks Erica again!)

365 days

I've been inspired by my friend Erica to start a 365 days project where I take a self portrait every day and post one. It will get my creative juices flowing and also will serve as a pretty good way to think about how to make pictures look different and interesting in other ways. Like Erica, she stated she was fascinated and inspired by flickr and I feel the same. So, inspired by her, I plan to partake this project from day 1 of my 26th birthday. So, since it's the third. I'll post 3 pictures and start updating every day. It'll be a good way to see how things go along throughout the next year.

Here's her link to her project and her blog:

Take a look at hers. She's on day 30 so far.