Inspiration? Addam's Family. (duh)
Still getting on with my cold. The nettie pot is washing out some nastiness and decongestants are trying there best to empty my ears. But, it's not quite working. I think my fever yesterday was the worst of it. Now I'm on a regiment of decongestant, nettie pot, heating blanket, decongestant, nettie pot, heating blanket, repeat. I got my shift covered for work today because I just needed another day to to the previously mentioned.
My sister is with us this week until Christmas because school is out for her. Is Pokemon back in full swing? That girl is obsessed. She goes from her Pokemon DS game to Pokemon movie to Pokemon computer stuff. I know that in Japan it's never really gone away, but I guess it's made some huge resurgence in the US.
Besides watching her go from one to the other, I'm helping Mama make my favorite christmas treat. Peanut butter balls. They are exactly as described, but dipped in dark chocolate. Homemade are the way to go.
No worries though. My hands are being washed every five seconds. They will be sterile. I promise.