This is Chack. I know his real name, but he's my boss at one of my favorite schools.
This is Alice and Tina. Real names also known, but I won't give 'em because I dunno if it matters or not. Anywho, they are also bosses at one of my favorite schools.
These are just 3 people who I look forward to seeing weekly. They give me the push I need to get back on track and get out of my slump. The tall drink of water that has stolen Tina's hat (I stole Alice's) is also one of the things pulling me out of my slump.
Many photos of general life and general what's up in the near future. Now = bed.
Now I leave this entry with what you generally find behind the counter at a Japanese Starbucks serving your coffee:
Would you like a bun with my bun?
Aaaaaand..... Adieu.
Anxiety is a Bitch – Snoopy, Come Home!
5 years ago