test. test. test.
My camera is so clean, crisp, and working like a dream. I'm just testing it out and having an almost like-new camera again. I didn't realize how sluggish and blurry it was. 2+ years of use and traveling to Japan and PA in the snow would probably do that. Glad to have my friend back and in top condition.
Looking on some of my older photos with it, I noticed that there were some graininess issues, but the main concern was that my autofocus was not working. Auto focus is your best friend when taking self portraits. It also seemed to have issues with color clarity that it used to have. That was the best $250 I've spent in a long time. I'm glad I finally had the initiative to take it in to get looked over. I mean, the thing has been in use constantly for the past 2 years at the least. It went to Japan in it's humid months, PA in it's snowy months, and countless other locations I can imagine have effected it.
I know. I'm writing about something that is boring and is a "duh" thing, but I can't get over how great it's working and looking now. I will learn my lesson from this and start taking my stuff in for regular cleanings. I wish I could do that with my mac.
I rely on it more than anything else. But, I bought a Terabyte HD about 6 months ago. Back your stuff up! If working at Apple taught me anything, it's to back up your stuff always. Back up everything. Spend that $100 for a good external HD. I guarantee you will not regret it.
blah. talky talky tonight.
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