Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It's my little devil dog! I have a feeling the photographs for the next few days are just random sitting shots in somewhat interesting places. (I guess?) That's all fine and dandy. My little pup is the star of this and the last photograph. I think leaving her behind is going to be the thing that breaks my heart the most. If i'm traveling where she can't go, I find myself waking up in the middle of the night reaching around for her. She's usually cuddled up right in the nook between my neck and my legs when I'm in the fetal position. Yeah, that's right. My dog and I spoon. 

So, all tests came back normal. I'm officially at ease in my mind about everything that involves my health. I can't believe what stress will do to you. My dr. said that stress sometimes mimics very serious diseases and yet it's all some stupid reaction your body is having towards any event that may be causing you some unnecessary worries. I guess a move to another country isn't exactly an unnecessary worry.

The good news is that the 4 medications I have to take with me are going to be a lot cheaper than I had thought. Since my job doesn't offer insurance, I was expecting to pay at least $700 for 13 month prescriptions for all my medications. Well, thanks to HEB and Walmart, it's a whopping $296. Trust me, that's uber good. God bless those $4 medications. 

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