Since I arrived so early on "San Fran" time, I got to my gate and I was the only one here. So, I took the opportunity to at least get a 365 shot in since no one at home is awake. It's 8:30am here and my plane doesn't leave for another 3 hours. I didn't figure my layover time was this long. I was an idiot for thinking my take off times on my tickets were all on Austin time. Durrrrr.
Anyways, I'm so tired it's stupid. I could not, for the life of me, fall asleep on the flight here and now I'm so delirious that the currency exchange lady thought I was deaf and dumb. Also, the Japanese currency is extremely low. They tell me that means it's strong, but for my $5200, I got 435,000円. If I was to exchange the opposite way, I would be hooting and hollering and doing a little dance. Not the other way around. Oh well.
God I'm tired. Want sleep. Good thing I brought my pillow. Also, I'll quit rambling. Maybe I can find a nice chair to nap in.
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