Sunday, July 4, 2010


Well, today was less than stellar. It had nothing to do with Japan at all, just general things that happened in succession. The first thing happened as I woke up this morning and the situation is a bit personal to write it out on a public blog. Sorry.

Then I got a migraine. 

Then I spent the day having to deal with a very overzealous friend who is really overstepping boundaries on how often you should contact/comment/talk to a person. I'm too nice to say anything because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but they are starting to become very tiring. I don't need that right now. 

I went to meet up with my coworkers that I'm training with, but the location to meet was less than stellar. We chose to meet at a station called Namba station and that's like basically suggesting to meet in Manhattan. (Thanks Sciby for the reference there) So, I spent a good time walking around the station and failing to find anyone. I left after about an hour of dodging a massive amount of people and then just came back home. 

I decided to go into the park to try and take a photo of that giant slide I wanted to show everyone. But, to put salt on an already shitty day, a group of Japanese teens were throwing off fireworks. Sigh. That's what I wanted to be celebrating tonight. Instead, I sat on the swing and just watched them burn themselves and giggle when one actually went off. 

It's been a crappy day just in general.  Hopefully I can just watch a movie and relax. Tomorrow I receive the stuff I asked to be delivered and then my apt. will be almost complete. I only need to worry about little things I think from here on out for my apt. I also need to go pick up these forms so I can finally get a phone and a bank account. 

Then Tuesday I begin training which I hear is pretty intense and busy. 

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