Ugh. I never felt the urge to publicly show how much I actually listen to girly music and follow this pop culture stuff. But, I'm tired of reading this crap.
Dear misinformed young female generation,
Kylie Minogue is not trying to be Lady Gaga. Christina Aguilera is not trying to be Lady Gaga. Madonna is not trying to be Lady Gaga. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, FU**ING LOOK AT DAVID BOWIE and maybe something will click? Lady Gaga is simply taking all her styles from the aforementioned artists and incorporating them into her style. If anything, she's copying David Bowie and Madonna more than ANYONE. Her name is even from Radio Gaga by Queen. Do you even know who Queen are?? Yeah, I thought you didn't. End of discussion.
I just watched a new video by Kylie Minogue and I saw some stupid fight in the comments below the video about how Kylie freakin' Minogue is copying Lady Gaga. Really? Uh, because Kylie only had a career when Miss Gaga was in diapers. C'mon, Madonna bra cones making a second appearance in the fucking strange Alejandro video? Who's copying who? The lightning bolt across Gaga's face in a one of her photoshoots? Who is that from? Yeah, the original Mr. David Bowie. Those platform crazy shoes? Have you seen any David Bowie footage of his earlier years? Jesus. If I hear in my lessons "I like Lady Gaga because she's so original and unique" one more time, I'm going to break out my Aladdin Sane album and smash it in their face. When I ask these girls, Do you know who David Bowie is? and I get blank stares, it's just a palm to the face....and moving on. Sigh.
It's definitely apparent the division of age is getting worse and I am feeling too old at just 27. This is pathetic.
End pointless rant
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