Oh goodness. The next four days are going to be hectic and I'm sure that by the time I get home on the 22nd, I'm gonna just pass out.
Tomorrow I go to work, have my semi-shitty day at my one of my least favorite schools, but then go home and get ready to go out to a dance party with good music with Britta. Brandon is DJing, so we got the invite and I'm rather excited to get out and burn off energy with her dancing. It's most likely going to turn into an all-nighter which is fine. I can crash at Britta's if worse comes to worse. Then Britta and I plan to kinda relax and hang out on Sunday.
I know I'll need it. But, I've only got so much money on me at this point because I sent it all home. So, we'll see.
Then Monday is my last day shift for a while until January something or another and then I have to go collect money owed to me by my dr. for getting my insurance updated. So, that should give me some money to put in my pocket for the next day. I'm gonna spend Monday night finishing packing and cleaning the house.
Tuesday is my most hated shift not because of the students but because of the staff. Once I run out of there, I run to my home, grab all that i've gotten ready that morning to be thrown on and off I go to Osaka to possibly stay the night in the Umeda station or Namba station until the first train for the KIX line opens. It sucks I have to do that, but it's the only way to get there in time to go through customs and what not and get on the plane. Then it's off to Tokyo for a layover and then off on a long ass flight into Dallas, where I have another layover, and finally into Austin around noon. I'm gonna be tired, need to brush my teeth, and cuddle my dog until she is fighting herself off of me.
Then homemade dinner from mama especially for me.
Trust me, I'll be gorging on queso, all the vegetarian cuisine I can find, even go try an Indian restaurant around here to compare with Japan's, and everything else. I wanna go out, do free week for sure, stay at the farm for a couple of days, and spend time with as many people as possible. That's my goal at least. I want it to be fun, I want it to be stress free, I want it to be good times.
As my schools say, "Let's Enjoy at Austin!!"
Anxiety is a Bitch – Snoopy, Come Home!
5 years ago
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