Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cutting the fat

I got rid of twitter. I never use the damn thing and it's just another social circus parade of crap that I'm not really into. I'm not going to join it again either. I would maybe quote a few people or retweet things I found to be funny by certain comedians, but that was the extent of my usage there.

I've been hitting the GRE book somewhat and I've found analogies at first to be really easy for me, but then the vocab got pretty intense and now I'm definitely going to start studying a word a day. The sentence completion though was much easier. I got at least 80% of the sentence completion practice examples correct. It's the math I dread. Oh, how fun it will be to get to that point in the book. But, so far, I do like this practice book. I plan to take a day after work on a Monday or Saturday and just go to a cafe and study. It seems I focus better when I'm not at home for some reason.

I'm working overtime tomorrow which is good since I missed Tuesday because of the stomach flu I had. I have just a day or so left on the antibiotics for that and I should be good. Britta and I are planning to spend Sunday in Kyoto. I think we are going to go around and explore areas we have yet to really see. We want to go to more of the non-touristy areas or find a small cafe where we can sit and draw together. Speaking of Kyoto, every day now it has flurried snow. It may not stick to anything, but it's falling from the sky almost every night. It's still having me gaze up in wonder. 

I'm rather amazed at myself because I've even cut back on reading trash sites like or the other "celeb" sites I used to frequent. I've cut back on facebook somewhat. I've been working, watching movies and TV shows, doing my crunches, focusing on my GRE book, and reading much more. I do come onto blogspot often to write, but it's a release. I'm finding any urge to mope about Stephen lessen within the last week. I think everything is finally sinking in. When I was sick, he had the kind courtesy to send me a polite quick email to ask if I was ok. It showed me that I think we can eventually be just friends because I didn't feel any pang or dropped stomach when I received it. I just felt like the part of him that's my best friend is still there.

I'm also starting to feel more independent. I dunno if for some reason the hospital visit and the aid of Britta and making other friends here is helping, but I feel like I'm starting to break out of my anti-social shell that I've been in so long. I think maybe being in a relationship, you retract into only being with that other person so that everyone else just isn't important. I'm finding out why this is something you should never do. For some reason, I was in the shower thinking about friends and the people that were so supportive of me at home and I realized that I neglected so many friendships because of my relationship.
I've given myself a new rule. If your significant other doesn't like your friends or refuses to hang with your friends for whatever reason, then you probably won't work out. Or if they refuse to let you go be with your friends, then they really are unhealthy. (Avery, if you are reading this, I'm looking at you kid) There are exceptions to the rule. Some friends are douchebags. There's no doubt about it. But, if I find myself ever in a situation where every name I list off gets a shake of the head or grunt of disapproval, I'm moving on. The same should go for him.

Completely off topic, my new nickname is Danx. No longer Dacinactica or Danica pow. My friend Les started calling me it for the last few months and I've grown accustomed to it. It makes me laugh. Dacinactica is too long and difficult and Danica pow was my myspace name. I don't have a myspace anymore, so that's irrelevant. Easy and simple. Danx. I like it.

Update: FAFSA submitted. Tax Return done. It'll be paying for my flight home in the summer. :)


  1. so many things to love about this post. analogies fucking're in the game girl, not only following life rules,but ruling life. screw the stomach flu, i love you danica!

  2. You're always so supportive Erin. If I could have one ounce of your optimism, I think I'd be set for life. You inspire me so much. Thank you for the support. All my love!
