Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeling much better

It must have been one of those 24 hour stomach flu's, but I am feeling much better now at the ungodly hour of 1:30am. I've been in and out of napping through the day taking my medications and drinking as much fluid as possible. I have to return to work tomorrow, but I think it should be ok. I picked up an overtime shift on Friday, so it should make up for the day I lost today. Since it pays time and a half, it should also compensate a little bit more.

I spent basically the entire day in bed listening to Grooveshark and discovering bands that I'm obviously far behind on since everyone else I know has already heard of these bands. I feel so left out when it comes to music. I guess I tend to get stuck with a few artists I truly love and then they tend to fall on repeat for quite a long time. I was extremely into Muse for the longest time. I still am. I respect their albums before this last one, but it seems their push to try to enter the US scene has destroyed a lot of what I respected them for. I mean, for godsake, they made a single for Twilight. If that's not destroying their integrity as a band, I don't know what else would do worse. I guess it generally could be worse, but I just don't know. Now that Matt Bellamy has conceived a child with Hollywood's cum bucket and band groupie, I don't see much of a potential future anymore for the band.

I did end up making myself quite homesick though. There are so many events and invites I keep getting that makes me frustrated because I want to be there. I almost feel like I'm disconnecting from home too much and it worries me when I return. But, I know that's all just unjustified fears. If I was to come home soon, all I would be doing is fretting over a break up that's still somewhat fresh.

In the end I think I'll be ok. 5 more months of non-communication and not seeing him should do me some good. It may be tough the first month or so back because I'll be back in the midst of Austin and all it's reminders, but maybe by that point, I'll be much more disconnected. I'll be focused on gearing up for school and maybe even have the capacity to start dating. I know I won't be looking for anything serious, but it'd be nice to get out there again and meet new people. We'll see. At this time it's the furthest from my mind. But, sometimes it's nice to think of the future in a positive manner.

2:00am. Time to go to bed.

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