Friday, January 30, 2009

25 things nobody will ever care to know

I saw someone else post a list that's supposed to be on of those "I tagged you, so now your soul is signed away to do it or you will burn in hell for eternity" type things, but it looked interesting otherwise. I'll try to think of 25 things that not aren't repetitive to the people that know me, but I doubt it.

25. My favorite color has always been blue. Not even when I was a little girl was pink ever my favorite color. I had cerulean walls when I was a young.

24. I had a doberman pincher named Shannara, named after the Terry Brooks book series as a kid.

23. I wanted to be an Egyptologist or a "Forest Veterinarian", whatever that was.

22. I had a crush on Michael Jackson. Yes, I just said it.

21. My first kiss was at 14 and it was sort of just a fluke.

20. I loved En Vogue when I was in middle school.

19. I was always picked on by the neighborhood boys. One gave me a black eye on accident once while jumping out from behind the bushes to scare me and his fist hit my eye.

18. I hate howdy-doody-like puppets to this day.

17. I weirded out Nick Stahl when I asked for his autograph by being too nervous.

16. I HATE beans. The texture. The smell. The taste. barf.

15. My brother and I used to ride our bikes to 7-11 and buy candy and hot dogs with nothing but spare change.

14. I used my friend Trish only for her Super Nintendo Zelda game.

13. I choked on a butterscotch after being warned not to spin around in circles with it in my mouth. I did just that.

12. Barbie was my idol. I had a crap ton of barbies but I never got my wish for a barbie house.

11. My friend Erin and I put wire in our hair to imitate Pippy Long-Stonging just for the hell of it once.

10. We also used to take pictures of ourselves in all her dance costumes in funny dance poses.

9. My first crush was in 4th grade, and I remember his name was Derek.

8. I think I have a social phobia.

7. My high school boyfriend taught me to drive and always let me drive around without a license. But, that stopped once we were pulled over.

6. I never dress up, but would love to. I always feel I need an excuse. I don't even own a pair of heels.

5. My friend Caitie and I used to sneak away from confirmation (church thing) to go walk around in a park nearby the church and pretend like we went when picked up.

4. I used the think Whataburger was Waterburger and was made with special water or something.

3. I've chewed my fingernails since I was in 2nd grade.

2. I had my tonsils removed because I had Strep throat so often that my tonsils were more of a hinder to my body than anything. I also have Hypothyroidism.

1. I played Clarinet, but I wish I would have learned to play the piano or the harp desperately.

sigh. I just read all those and even I was bored. Whatever. It keeps me entertained at 5 in the morning.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

movies I don't give enough credit to

I'm the girl (or one of millions of girls) who has been a pretty outspoken 'tard about how much Willow, The Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Neverending Story, and Legend are basically my bibles. But, I really kinda looked into my childhood and I realize that though those movies are my favorites, I did watch certain movies more often than those. I know, wow. What a revelation. (sarcasm) But, this is devoted to those movies I never ever give enough credit to that drove my mom and family crazy. Some are duhs, some are "what the hell were you thinking?" My answer, I don't give a shit what you think. I loved these movies and watched these movies so much that they made my grandma and mom bang their heads against the wall.

I watched a video taped TV play of Peter Pan starring Mary Martin so much the tape is almost destroyed. It was the first thing I watched every time I went over to my grandparents.

Another tape I ran to the ground was The Sound of Music.

Disney's Robin Hood with one of the best soundtracks ever:

Harry and the Hendersons:

Time love for Terry Gilliam began young.

Baron Munchausen. Gilliam again.

Really old Chip N' Dale cartoons and Goofy cartoons.

Embarrassing stuff? Encino Man.

And I freakin' loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The movie. NOT the show. I still love this movie.

I also watched Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice too much for my own good.

Geez. After going through just these, I realize I have an arsenal of other movies I forgot about. But, these all topped the "these VHS no longer play" category.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

if it's for real

I'll eat dog shit. I will take my dog's poo after a fresh dump and put in my mouth and chew. I will give photographic evidence and I am calling shenanigans on this.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

bryan adams will kick you in the face

with awesomeness. Yeah I said it. He will KO you ninja style with his lyrics of wanting to see unborn children in your eyes.

I spent my Saturday night downloading the Bryan Adams Anthology because I'm the life of the party.
Run to you