Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I shot this right around magic hour at 5:30pm and used two work lights to illuminate me and the tree. So that background is not messed with in photoshop at all. I couldn't believe it either when I saw the pictures come out.

out take:

The shoe in the shot is less than ideal. Also, my shutter speed was too slow and it was too bright. But, that sky. Love it.

Anywho, I went to the Dr. today and found out I have fibrocystic breasts. That means I get to look forward to long years of watching my caffeine and ginseng intake because it may cause my breasts to hurt. The lump I found is apart of this lovely network of similar lumps in my breast. This one just happened to be more prominent and develop within the last month.
The Dr. made me laugh because he said that about the only positive thing with fibrocystic breasts is that they tend to retain shape and density into the later years. So, about the only thing I get to look forward to with this is that my breasts won't droop.
My aunt has fibrocystic breasts, so it made me breathe a sigh of relief because I can talk to her about it.
I don't want to go back to the dr. for a while now. That's the third appt. in three weeks.

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