Thursday, January 21, 2010

My world is not coming to an end

I got my lab results back from the 3 liters of blood they sucked from my arm. All is normal in Danica's body. Well, somewhat. My lymphocites and Neutraphils (never heard of Neutraphils before, but with the magic of google, found out they are a type of white blood cell) are still a bit off. I talked to the doctor about my results and she said that they are not off so much that it concerns her. But, she did state that if they do not go down within the next couple of weeks, she would like to do a biopsy.

I don't like the idea of that at all, but I'm still breathing a sigh of relief that nothing came out as an urgent big red flag. I have enough anxiety as it is, I don't need to worry to the point of making myself physically ill. She gave me an HIV test and a Mono test, both which were negative. I didn't have anything to worry about for the HIV since I've been a monogamous person for almost 10 years. But, I think the psychological effect of just knowing you are being tested for HIV brings all these what if's to your head. It freaked me out a bit.

I hate health involved stuff. I find myself freaking out over it too often and too much. I think my mom's hypochondria has rubbed off on me. That's not something that should be passed on. I call her to tell her my concerns about my lymph nodes and then she starts into her stories about how she had a hug lump under her arm and bla bla bla bla. It doesn't help to have a misery party when you are already nervous about your own well being.

But all is good.

The only thing bothering me today is that I finally got an email back from my recruiter. In the last paragraph of his email was this:

"The next period for possible placement would be in late February, for May - July starts.  It is unfortunate that we could not find a placement for you in the January through March period, but with recruits outnumbering available positions due to a lack of turnover and weak demand related to the sagging economy, we have had to push back placement for a number of great recruits interviewed last year.  However, please know that we will eventually have a placement offer for you and I hope that your personal circumstances will allow you to remain until we can finally bring you in, hopefully sometime mid year."

He explained how he contacted all the Personnel offices to find if there were any more openings, but no one is hiring at this time for this hiring session. It looks like people are staying and so the positions are few. It does bode well that this is a company that people feel good enough with that they decide to stay on. My friend Renee has been there for over a year now and possibly contracting for an extra year after this one is up.  That says more than any slogan. All word I've heard about ECC has been positive. So, I emailed him back and said I'm on board until they find me a placement. I'll take any date. 

So, Japan is once again postponed. But, at least postponed with a promise of a job there. 

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