Sunday, February 13, 2011


So, the first words out of a couple of my training group's mouths were "So, did you DTR?" I just went huh? "You know, define the relationship?" Oh. 
I know that Les shares the same sentiment that this is what it is. If you enjoy each other's company, why do we have to immediately jump onto facebook and label everything right away? 

I've met someone that makes me happy and also makes me feel special. I wish that this whole cyber "gotta label it" would go away, but since I do live in the real world, I guess that I might as well and just go with it. I'm not embarrassed or could even care what anyone thinks about me dating Les. 
He makes me happy. Really happy. 

I'm monogamous and so if I date, I date exclusively. It's just hard wired. I have friends that were all telling me to play the field and what not, but I just don't do that. I realize now I shouldn't have to apologize for being what I am or being someone who when I like someone, it's only that one person. 
Of course crushes come and go, it's only if you act on it that separates you from the assholes. 

I've been told I'm a serial monogamist. If so, then so be it. 
I'am what I'am. 
All I know for sure is I expect a lot of comments from certain people questioning me about a retarded facebook status. My answer is "In the grand scheme of things, how does this truly effect you?" I'm happy and that's  all that matters. If I decide to change my status, either have something positive or funny to say or just lay off. 


  1. Boo effing hoo, haters gonna hate but you know yourself and you are happy and that's all that matters. Enjoy!

  2. Serial monogamy for the win. Really glad to hear that you've got someone making you happy. That's all anyone can really ask for in this world.
