Saturday, February 12, 2011

mmm yum. blech.

Yogurt is horrible. I hate it.

I even just added cranberries and some low fat granola to it and the cup is so small. I think I put in more granola and cranberries than I should have. But, god. It tastes like rotting milk! How do people eat this crap? If it doesn't start to help me, I'm nixing the stupid yogurt. I take a giant spoon or I buy the one's that are literally liquid and take them as a shot.

There's my random thought for today. I also finally found really small bottles of cranberry juice at the foreign store. C'mon natural remedies. Work like you are always are hyped up to be. Go probiotic yogurt. Go cranberries. Go cranberry juice.
 Make me a normal person. I can sit and eat cranberries all day, no problem. It's the yogurt that gets me.

The last few posts have been highly negative. I should refrain from writing when I feel like punching life in the face.
And missing my dog and certain people.


  1. I love yogurt so I can't help, but have you tried Danon "Bio" fruit flavored ones?

  2. I hate yogurt, too. But, I've dealt with VB and just general bowel irregularities over the years and there's a bulgarian yogurt made by a company called white mountain foods somewhere outside it's all over HEB and whole foods... that after forcing myself to eat a few times, I fell completely in love with. It's a different consistency from every other plain yogurt.. just really tangy and good. Try it when you make your way back over here :). It fixes my insides right up every time I ask it to. - Brittany
